Winona Film Society - Upcoming Films

Unless noted, films are shown at 7:00pm on Fridays at the Winona Arts Center, 228 East 5th Street, Winona, MN.

Ticket price is $5 per person, unless otherwise noted.


A film by Hong Seong-eun

91 minutes. Korean with English subtitles.

Friday, March 21, 2025

$5 admission at the door

6:00pm Gallery open, 7:00pm screening begins

Jina is the top employee at a call center, but despite talking to customers all day, she has shut out the world beyond her headset. At home, she must navigate an incessantly ingratiating new neighbor and an urgent call from her father, forcing her to confront the reason she has isolated herself for years.

“A quietly tragic tale of alienation and the ennui of modern life”—New York Times.

“Poignantly explores grief and the technological walls we build around us”—Rotten Tomatoes.

A Screening of Four Documentary Films by Mary Farrell

Friday, April 4, 2025
$10 Admission at the Door
6:30PM Screening Begins

Mary Farrell will show four documentary films that she has produced since 2017:

  • Latsch: The Man and His River tells the story of Winonan John Latsch, a successful wholesale grocer who donated over 18,000 acres of land for public use.
  • Raising Hell: The Restoration of the Masonic Theatre Scenic Drops features the restoration artist who was hired by the City Of Winona to restore ten 100 year-old hand painted scenic drops.
  • Winona Unmasked: A Covid-19 Collection of Interviews features interviews with 16 people who shared their personal and professional stories about coping with the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Healthy Lake Winona is a documentary about a group of Winona citizens who are working on improving the quality of Lake Winona which is on the MPCA's list of impaired waters.

There will be light refreshments and a Q & A with Mary following the films.

Mary has generously donated all proceeds from this event to the Winona Arts Center.

Mary Farrell is a photographer who became interested in documentary filmmaking after watching films at the Frozen River Film Festival. Her documentaries have covered local topics including John Latsch's donation of public lands, the restoration of the Masonic Theatre's hand- painted scenic drops, the COVID-19 pandemic, local citizens working on improving the quality of Lake Winona and more. Her films have been featured as part of the local set at the Frozen River Film Festival.

She is currently working on a documentary about the history of the College of St. Teresa that will be completed this year.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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