Winona Arts Center Membership and Donations

Have you considered becoming a member of and/or donor to the Winona Arts Center? What are the benefits?

Membership fees and donations:

  • Support the arts in the Winona area
  • Keep Winona Arts Center events affordable
  • Pay for operational expenses such as heat, electricity, building maintenance, and website/communications costs

In addition, Membership benefits include:

  • Reduced fees for rental of the Center
  • Reduced fees for classes
  • The opportunity to participate in the annual members’ exhibit
  • Receiving WAC e-news, postcards, and exhibit information

Please complete the form below to become a member and/or make a donation to the WAC. If you prefer to mail your payment, then click here for a printable form to submit with your payment. Questions? Email

We appreciate your support!

Corporate Membership

Corporate membership levels:

  • Bronze - $500
  • Silver - $1,000
  • Gold - $2,000

Corporate membership fees:

  • Support the arts in the Winona area
  • Keep Winona Arts Center events affordable
  • Pay for operational expenses such as building utilities and maintenance

Corporate members are:

  • Listed on the WAC website
  • Recognized in WAC e-newsletter
  • Included in WAC press release

Winona Arts Center Membership and Donation Form

Fields marked with an * are required




Make this an Honorary or Memorial Gift

Donations to WAC are greatly appreciated! Enter your amount above.
Donor Categories are: Giver (up to $49); Donor ($50-$249); and Benefactor ($250 & above).

The Winona Arts Center is a 501(c)(3) non‐profit organization. Your membership and donation are tax deductible.

Information provided on this form will not be shared. Including your email address lowers our mailing expenses.

Total for PayPal $ 0